we had combined with acs br again today. i was lazy to take the bus to sch so i took my dad's car on his way to work. ended up in sch at 6.45. freaking early. but there were a couple of sec 4s around since there was prelim exams today. had my breakfast then plopped on the table to sleep. arnd 7.15 wanru and emme came to wake me. the sch crest of cedar and acs br was drawn by emme and it totally looks printed! damn nice. we started doing lots of stuff even before anyone came. take keys, run here, open, take stuff, close, return... omg. i was already perspiring like mad when the activities haven't even started. changed into track pants. mdm faridah scared we zao geng. in the end we look so black with the guides tee. bleahs.
fall in at 8. then think they revised the knots and stuff. i was still running around. then they came. i can't really rmb what happened at that time. but after that was to gather at bball court. play double wacko. and there was this stupid rule that each scout had to be with each guide, although there were more guides. i was one of those. is it good or suay? muahaha i dunno. it was quite fun la. but i only know how to call the guides.
next was the poncho game. quite lame la. there is this poncho in between 2 patrols. each patrol is to send out 1 rep without letting the other patrol know who is it. the two ppl sit opp each other. then when the poncho drops and yu see the person yu gotta try to call the person's name. the faster one wins the opponent over to his/her patrol. was it kingfisher or orchid who won? i dunno! wahaha. those were the ice breakers.
arnd 9.30, it was the time for the knots test. we were in the same patrols like ytd with the same laoshi. he test us very fast. everyone passed so he teached us more knots. is it called climber's knot or wad? i dunno. and also the crown knot for the rope. i swear that is the most complicating knot that i've ever learnt. he teach we all can't see and dun get it. so he went around to teach a small group at each time. then i finally understood. haha. i noticed that his hands were shaking. weird lor. hahaha.
after knots test was break time. the snacks were peanut butter biscuits, more biscuits and pringles! i think that was the first thing that was grabbed and emptied out of its container. the scouts were too late la. they didn't get to eat the pringles. the scout master mr lee very funny. he actually asked if they could buy drinks. i mean, why not? canteen oso not i own wan ma. funny la.
games!! the first was the chair game. 2 patrols combined again. kingfisher with sunflower and some other scouts. this game needs the number of chairs lesser than the number of ppl. everyone has to stand on the chairs and move from one end to the other without touching the ground. the only way is to pass the chairs from back to front. then the i/cs kept sabo-ing us! call us wad sing song then kope chairs from the other teams, move ppl from back to front, pass the chairs on top of the head, turn the chairs 180 degrees [this was the worst. call us turn here turn there dunno how many times]. the game was fun but i was dripping with perspiration cuz it was so hot. and imagine us all wearing black from head to toe. the last part of the game is to make everyone turn the chairs one last time. the fastest patrol wins. we only slower by like a bit only! so lost to orchid and flowerpecker. haiz.
next game was sort of a obstacle race. first, take the pole and turn 10 rounds, then run to the hula hoop and pick up countless one cent coins, go 10 times with the hoop, stack the coins, tie a clove hitch and done. the turning of the rounds was the worst. i was supposed to be running to the front but cannot control so kept running to the right. damn funny. haha. i stack the coins very fast! and the first time ever that i can go 10 rounds with the hula hoop. wahahaha. clove hitch most of us used the mickey mouse way so it was like damn fast. but but but. our patrol was the only one that din cheat lor! so many of them started cheating right at the beginning. so bad.
gathered in the 1st level empty corridor to wait for the others playing the chair games. pity the 1C ppl their chairs are so dirty. haha. aisyah showed us her shoe in a play. very very funny. one shoe's sole split but the other was okay. so one shoe had a mouth and the other had no mouth or is the mouth plastered? muahahaha. the final game. most disgusting and stinky game. the bucket game. i reckon it should be called the disgusting shit game. okay that's lame. wadever la. there's this bucket with lots of stuff in it. all disgusting. sand mixed with water, ketchup, all kinds of sauce, onions, i dunno what else. oh yes twigs. and there were lots of things inside like coins, straw, pencil, eraser, peg.. then we gotta dig out the stuff. the stuff inside was hot. prolly cuz it was under the sun for 5 hrs. burning lor. many other patrols the scouts were the ones enjoying it except those in my patrol. seeing that we are having fun, they came to start finding. so wad lor. my hand stinks after the whole game but it was fun.
then it was end of the session. thanks by both schs and presentation of souvenir and awards. oriole and flowerpecker won la. haiz. but nvm. think this is the best combined we ever had [not as if we had many combined sessions before]. think it was better than the one with SA. much nicer and more fun. thanks to the secretaries and the other 2 scouts for organising such a nice and fun event.
we stayed back to clean up. many of them stayed back too. haha quite gentleman la. we had difficulty cleaning the disgusting stuff in the buckets. din mean to revive anything so just dug out all the money in it. the cleaning up i dunno wad happened. but i was keeping the stuff back to the pe store. and the ponchos were missing! hunt high and low and everywhere oso dun have. finally the scouts found it at the classroom block. heng ar. omg can't imagine if we lost it all. office closed so we couldn't put back the chairs in the 1C classroom. packed up then sat around to talk.
after all we went j8. i bought my lunch and rushed to tuition. was late by a bit but my sis was later. hahaha. boring la. i was tired in tuition and kept dozing off. omg. wasted one lesson. i was starving. no time to eat the stuff i bought.
now is almost 12. so tired. shall go sleep now. goodnight ppl! =)