Hellos everyone!
Wanted to update about campfire [7apr] last week but no time, so here I am =) campfire was great, but not spectacular. I felt that they could improve in a lot of ways. The organisation of the whole thing was pretty messy and the I/Cs kinda were unsure of some things.
The campfire was really a gathering for all the guides + ex-guides. I was so happy to see everyone! I really missed the times we spent during our sec 4 years and the days we planned for our campfire and practised our dance. Val was so cute, when she saw me she said, "BoA songs very nice! Like 'Make a Secret', 'Everlasting', aiya all nice!" I was damn happy to hear this =)
Wanru and I went school damn early. We met at PP bus stop at 2 plus then walked in together. Last time I hated walking by the PP way, but no choice, the bus there faster and more frequent. So I actually missed walking there. It was so freaking hot. We bought ice cream outside school then went inside. All the sec 4s were already busy tying the gateway, while all the other juniors were eating their lunch. The sec 4s wanted to greet us ex-sec 4s but it was too weird since only wr and I were there. We finished our ice cream and proceeded to help supervise the juniors at the kitchens.
I bought my cedar handbook! Rocks man it's so pretty. I'm gonna use it when I'm at poly. =P yes the kitchens. They all didn't really use their brains sometimes when they were doing things, for example they poured the cornflakes that were supposed to be coated with chocolate into wet bowls. How silly was that? And they copied our idea at our batch campfire of the chocolate cornflakes. It was my mom's recipe! But anyway, they were supposed to melt the chocolate and add butter and honey syrup but they didn't. I told Germaine and she said they tried doing it before and butter was not needed, so I was like, okay, up to you. When I saw the result, I knew it. The whole thing didn't look glossy when it was supposed to, and also they had to use a lot of chocolate. The size of the chocolate was as big as the chopping board! Also, they had French toast, which isn't a very good idea for a campfire since French toast only tastes nice when hot. I strongly believe that the sec 1s and maybe some sec 2s and 3s have never cooked before other than during home econs. It's really pretty sad. Cooking is fun! Oh yah, and then they had muffins too. They put it in the oven and didn't on the timer, so a whole tray of muffins became a tray of charcoal rock cakes. I took one and knocked it against the tray and the sound was loud! Wanru threw it on the floor and it didn't break! Omg.
Huiyen came! She joined us in the kitchens. Long time didn't see her le missed her loads. Dunno if hy will see this but she'll be happy! Sandra, Jean and Clara came too. We ordered pizza for dinner. Tzeyin said she'll be coming for dinner but didn't turn up till just before cf started. And emmeline! The cf started at 7.10 I think, damn early for a cf man. During the past years it didn't start till 7.30, so it was really early. They let down the flying fox even before the sun set.
The singing of the songs was great! I haven't sung the campfire songs for such a long time already. But the games were all pretty boring. Sorry to the sec 3s but that's really what I felt about the games. We all played like mad. The campfire ended damn fast. It ended at around 9pm. We went to the canteen to get drinks but they weren't cold… the water from the water cooler was colder than the drinks. Sandra, Jean and Clara bought cake for the late March and April birthday babies =) so I was part of it. We sang the birthday song the cedar way! I will never forget cedar and the times I spent in it…
I collected my laptop last Tuesday [11apr]! I was so happy. I have never owned something so expensive other than my piano, though I share it with my sister. So I kept fiddling with my laptop till today and I'm typing this using it!
Went out with Rachel last Friday [14apr]. I haven't met her for a month! We went to have lunch and took neos. I'll scan my recent neos and post it up soon. And we also went to sing at Kbox. I already went 4 times in 4 months! Sang the usual songs, but I really wanted BoA songs. There were 2 DBSK songs, although they were dubbed in mandarin, I still ended up singing it in Korean. I love to sing Wang Lee Hom's 'Wan Mei De Hu Dong' cuz there's Korean in the lyrics and I can read! I really love reading Korean.
15apr was emmeline's birthday. I made her a pair of purple earrings! We went to pasir ris park cuz we wanted to cycle but in the end didn't feel like it at all. So went to play at the playground. I haven't gone to the park since sec 1 so I kinda missed it. We went to play at the sand too! It feels as though it has been long ago since I just touched sand when we actually went sentosa a month ago. Sentosa really rocks, but I still haven't gone to try the new stuff there. Emmeline, jerlyn, tze yin and I were there at the park. Gongs came late, and when she came, we could only play for a little while more before we left cuz jer had to. We took the bus with her.
At night, my parents took my sister and me to Jack's place for dinner as a treat for my birthday. Shouldn't have gone there cuz the food was all mainly steak and I can't eat beef since I'm a Buddhist. We all ended up eating chicken and fish. But I must say the food is good.
Happy 17th Birthday to Chen Ya!
Okay, and finally about the camp. I just went to the ECE camp that started on Tuesday [18apr] and ended yesterday [19apr]. The camp only had 12 girls. The ratio of girls to guys was like 1:4. Mad. But anyway, I made quite a number of friends.
On Tuesday, I woke up late, so I ended up taking a cab to NP but I was still late for nearly 10mins. Luckily I wasn't the only one. I wore house tee there, but it seems like I was the only one who wore a school-based shirt. But heck lah I love cedar too much and I'm happy wearing my school shirts =) the camp commandant's name was Bruce koh ting feng. A mix of Bruce lee and Nicholas tse. Haha. The asst. camp commandant was orena. She's small! I was allocated to group 2. Then we set off to a place but I dunno what it's called. We started with ice breaker games. Everyone had to introduce themselves using adjectives and I became 'musical shaomin'. I love songs, I love the piano so that has gotta be me =) we had a few rounds of trying to remember each others names, then we had to create a group identity. So our group name became 'vibrant'. We had to design a flag and draw our logo on 10 pingpong balls. Then after that we had some games. We played a ball game that is quite ridiculous. Each group gotta split into two groups and we had to sit one behind another and put the legs on the person in front to move. It was total madness. We were practically cleaning the floor. But our team won 2-1!
Next game should be human tic-tac-toe. We must run faster than our opponent to get the space we want, but we lost that round. So it was kinda sad. Thereafter, the next game was I-dunno-what-is-it-called, but we are given ice cream sticks that has two different body parts labelled at each end and we gotta find the matching one while the stick that has, say arm, touch the other person's arm. We won this round.
The 4th game was the hai dai quan, aka seaweed game. I can't really remember but I think we lost this round. =( but it was all good fun. The next game was chocolate marshmallows. We have to throw marshmallows coated with chocolate into one of our team member's mouths while he is lying a distance away. The 'suay' person from our group was ken, but I must admit he was pretty good at it. He caught four while the other team caught only one or two. And the two people were covered with chocolate after that. =P I don't think I remember if there were anymore games after that, but anyway it was lunch. We were made to sing ba-toh-yao song, to the tune of 'she'll be riding six white horses'. It was mad, but quite funny. I think the food really sucks, so I didn't eat much.
After lunch, we crossed the overhead bridge to Camp David, which was where the high elements were. We started off playing more games. Everyone had to stand on these logs and we had to arrange ourselves in order without getting down. The first arrangement was that people who have had the most boyfriends/girlfriends stand at one end and those who have the least stand at the other end. I was of course at the least end. Haha. The next one was according to hair length. I was lucky to be at the end where it should be the longest hair, and the guys all had to move, since there were only a few girls. There's one girl who stands at the most end has freaking long hair! And I'm just second to her =) after that, we supposed to climb the high elements. We wore the harnesses and checked for tightness and all, when it started raining. We wasted all our time wearing the harnesses lah! After we took them out, we ran back to school via the bridge and got ourselves even wetter.
None of the teams managed to climb the high elements since it was all wet. So we played more games. In this game, we had to start off at block 16 and end at block 51. what we had to do was to find people walking around and ask 4 questions to find out the amount of money they had, for example, if this person has 10bucks, we had to add it on to 16, which was the block number, which means we have to find people to ask to get the amount we need to reach block 51. we finished it in a matter of minutes, and we were supposed to get dryer at the same time, but the rain became heavier. So we got wetter instead. We were the earliest group to finish, so we sat at block 51 where sulaiman, our group leader taught us to sing campfire songs, though I'm already so familiar with them. But some of the songs had really weird tunes and lyrics so I wasn't very used to it. Then, it was the treasure hunt. We searched for the first clue but there was totally nothing. So our group ended up sitting down to talk. The next game was a blindfold game. I had to look out and give hand gestures to zhiyuan and he had to shout it out. Our whole team was pretty good =) but the game masters were very bad, they bullied those in the blind folds! So bad. After that, group 1 and 2 went to one of the rooms to learn the mass dance. It's pretty fun, especially since I love dancing. I haven't been dancing for a long time!
Next up was dinner. At that time, I felt hungry but the food was so unappetising, so I ended up eating very little. After dinner there were more games. We played tortoise game, something like those fists game. My team won! Then they called me the tortoise queen... =( but after that my tummy hurt like mad so I couldn't participate anymore. It was cuz I ate so little and got drenched too much. But after a while I still continued joining in.
After the games we continued learning the mass dance. It keeps repeating though.
Alas, it was night walk time. But we sat outside waiting for a very long time. They told us some lame riddles and made us cheer and sing. Then finally we gathered in front of the most haunted building of NP. The girls could go in pairs, but the guys had to go alone. Poor them. But some girls wanted the company of guys to feel safer. I went with a girl called siling, if that's how it's spelt. We were the 15th and 16th persons to go in. we climbed the stairs to the 2nd floor and then we had to walk right across the floor to the other end, and go up via that stairs, then at the 3rd floor we have to walk right across again to the other end and go up again to the 4th floor. They tried many ways to scare us but we didn't even scream. We just got a bit of a shock only. Then at the 4th floor we could leave already. We thought it was the end but those who already finished the walk were hiding behind the stairs to scare us! But luckily they didn't manage to scare me. =P there was over 40 people that were after me, so we all waited damn long. I nearly fell asleep there. But peipei, the group 1 in-charge told us the tales about block 50, which is the night walk block. Very scary indeed. Everyone finished the night walk at 1am. Then dunno how come ended up waiting here and there for what. So we left quite long after. We bathed at nearly 2am and then went to our girls room to eat our supper while waiting for our hair to dry. I slept at 3am, beside Michelle. She's quite nice to talk too. Actually all the girls are really nice lah. Especially the group 1 girls and Emi since we all had all activities together.
I woke up at 6.45. Actually the meeting time was 7.45 and I wanted to sleep longer but couldn't. So ended up stoning. The leaders taught us the macho clap, the sexy clap and we all practised. I like the sunflower clap! Damn cute lah. And also the yandao-chiobu cheer. Before breakfast, we started dancing the mass dance when loads of business school people walked past us. All the guys went mad. Haha. Xueling from cedar saw me and came to call me. Then breakfast. As usual the food was bland. So my group planned to have a meal at king Albert park macs after the camp. So we all ate very little.
We were given 1 hour to change 16 counts of the start of the mass dance. I went to fill my water bottle and saw Sandra! Omg so coincidental. We practiced, and then talked. Then the business people walked past again when this time I saw my cousin, yongxiang. It's really a small world. Oh then the telematch. Four of us must go to the field full of pingpong balls and find two of them that has our logo that we designed earlier. But no matter how hard we tried we only found 1 while the other groups managed to find both, so they could proceed to the other stations. Our time for the first station was up so we had to give up finding the second one. The next station was to find 2 ping pong balls in flour. We managed to find both. The third station was to pass a ping pong ball by a spoon and the last station was to fill a container with water till the brim so that the ping pong ball floats up. We completed all our stations but we were the last team. But its okay since we completed. After that one team disappeared one after another. When it was our turn, we realised what we were in for. They brought us out under the spectators' stand and threw flour and water on us. We were the last group so it was the worst. The mess became dough and was stuck everywhere, including my shoes.
We were given some time to wash up. It was terrible. The sinks were all choked with shampoo water. The girls took longer than the guys this time cuz most of us had long hair. I didn't bring anymore extra pants so I end up having to wear my fbt shorts. =( We were late for 15mins. We had to perform our version of the mass dance in front of everybody. Our group was the 3rd. we were the only ones who didn't need another try. Haha. After all the groups were done, we had lunch at 2pm. We didn't eat much cuz we were all looking forward to Macs. Then my group people sabo-ed me and sang the birthday song for me! I was so embarrassed lah. I found the birthday song weird cuz I'm so used to the cedar birthday song already. Haha. Now everyone knew my birthday is on 21apr.
After lunch we went to web surf to print our timetables. Everyone started adding each other on msn and friendster and viewed each other's blogs. Finally when all that was over, we went to pack up our stuff and rearrange the tables and chairs in the room that we slept in. then it was the prize presentation. We were given a goodie bag each. They announced all the winners of the various categories and I actually won most outstanding female freshman! When they said my name I was like huh! Omg. Our group won most outstanding group! Damn happy. Our prize was loads of goodies. Then we had photo taking session with everyone as well as the group. I want the photos!
We all left for Macs. We walked all the way there. After not eating much, I was definitely very hungry. But when I started eating, I didn't feel like eating anymore. Yongxiang called me after he ended and came to join us. We all ate and talked and finally left at about 6.15. yx, ken and I shared a cab home. I was so tired and my stomach was so pain that I slept throughout the whole journey. Finally I reached home at nearly 7pm. I really enjoyed the camp a lot, though I was hungry most of the time.
Wanted to post the above on Thursday but my stupid internet explorer could not work so I'm posting this at my grandma's house today.
Anyway, yesterday was the freshman orientation programme. I woke up at 6.30 cuz the thing starts at 8.30. ken came to my house bus stop and we supposed to take 74, but the bus was freaking crowded so we took cab cuz it was like 7.30+ and we might be late. We ended up reaching at like 8, so went Macs. Met Jackie there he was going to eat too. Then finally we walked back to school. The road towards the school was filled with millipedes! Damn disgusting man. Omg. Yes we were kinda late. Emi gave me a present =) we went to the convention centre. It was so crowded there. Our ECE queue was so long. Zhiyuan and Jackie were from BME so they had a different queue. So ended up there were only me, emi, zamy and ken left. Finally we reached the registration point. They gave us a goodie bag which is a shoe bag, plus an NP shirt and ECE shirt, pencil case and some small things. Then we went into the hall (?) and sat down. The talk was pretty boring, and it was freezing cold cuz I was wearing shorts for the telematch after that. Luckily I had my beloved jacket. I nearly fell asleep in there. Then Bruce and Orena they introduced their tour to Vietnam. The camp people all shouted at Bruce to do the sunflower clap [I'll post the vid if I can, but it was the one during the camp]. Damn funny. After all the talks, we had an ECE telematch meeting where we were told to change into our ECE shirt. It's nice! Yeah so we went to change. It was lucky that I took the XS one cuz it was just nice.
After changing it was lunch. I was kinda sick so I didn't eat much. Poor me right. Sick on my birthday =( but anyway, it was still fun. Somebody accidentally took my shoe bag which has my Everlast shirt in it! I was so freaking sad but luckily it was just one of us who took it accidentally. There was one leftover bag there at first and the size of the shirt inside was XXL!! How could it be mine! Omg. Yes. Then it was some activity to collect stamps to get into a lucky draw and the top prize was an ipod video. But none of us wanted to join in. so our group went into the aircon place to sit and wait for the rest. =P
After that, we were led to the stadium area. It was the waiting area for the competitors there. My face looked pale so Michelle told me not to go play the games. So I just sat around to watch the bags. Our team won the first round of the telematch! I was damn happy. We moved the bags out so that I could watch the game too. Then the 2nd round. Although we didn't win, we still managed to complete it. So no regrets lah. I didn't watch the 3rd round cuz we all went inside to discuss a cheer. Then it was the NRA hip hop dance group. Their dance was cool lah. But the clothes were very skimpy. I would never dare to wear those kinds of clothes. I wanna join! Some of the other girls wanna join too. I love dancing too much!
ECE won 2nd for the mascot and 2nd for the telematch!! So so so happy!!! Haha. We only lost by 50 points to BA. So we were given loads of goodies again. Bruce gave it out to us and we took loads of pictures. I want! Can anyone send to me? They blew up the music and michelle and I were dancing a bit there!
somethings i dowan to mention here in case some people gets the wrong idea. haha
anyway, thanks to all the people who wished me happy birthday! love ya all loads! =) especially all the cedarians! thanks to susanna, wei ren, shu yi, pamela, hui yen, emi, ee ling, bijun, tze yin, caijing, ken, weng keong kor kor, yunqian, emmeline, jerlyn, and all the people who wished me at school ytd. the ppl listed above are those who txted me. and rachel! thanks dear =)
and of course, happy birthday to myself! =)