ELLO! I AM LINDSAY LOHAN! Oops, watched too much Achmed. Okay anyway I know I haven't been blogging for ages (I say this every single time, HAHAHAHA). Common tests has really been a bitch, and I studied with 5 guys (namely Huan Jie, Yijie, Chee Tiong, Chin Tiong & Shui Shou De Liao Kelvin) for 5 days, occasionally with Van and her C around. FCS was a total wreck, I swear the paper I did was totally different from past year papers. Okay, maybe 80% different. That totally sucks. Luckily INT wasn't too bad.
We studied at KAP, OurSpace, Library, the Kolo Mee place near Alameen, and Westmall Macs. OMFG. I think I never so hardworking before. HAHAHA. Study with them damn fun la, Huan Jie and Chee Tiong all damn pro, always they teaching me stuff. HAHAHA. Then I'll end up teaching Chin Tiong and Yijie, which is good cuz if they understand, means I'm a good teacher!! HAHAHAHA.
I'm totally sick of mac. But I like the spicy nuggets and grilled chicken foldover with extra onions HAHAHA. Everyone thinks I'm crazy cuz I love onions but it's really nice! After INT, Chin Tiong drove us all to go town eat. Then Huan Jie keep playing with the soft toy grabbing machine. He spend like what, 40 bucks????? And never catch anything. OMG. But usually he will. The day before we were at Westmall, he caught a big baby eeyore!!! So CUTE! And he gave it to me YAY. Chee Tiong go take my sister's jacket and wear for the eeyore lah. Damn funny.
And Friday night, met up with Weikiat and Huan Jie and Van to go Phuture together for Irvin and Jasper's birthday celebration.
Jasper and Irvin.
Omfg Irvin acting cute. HAHAHAHHAHA.
Met Jassshole there. She damn annoying, so tall still wear so high heels. I hate you Jass! HAHAHAHA.
5 10 was crazy with the crazy guys.
Van darling and me. :D
Van, me and Yijie.
I am so red lah.
Van, me and Nick.
He's totally wasted. HAHHAHA.
Us and Huan Jie.
Wasted Nick. HAHAHAHA.
Wasted Irvin and Weikiat!
Me and Van with her cute pout.
Weikiat's friend and I don't know his name. His dimples like deep enough to hold a 50cent coin. LOL.
Van, Weikiat, Irvin, Me.
Irvin, Kevin and Weikiat.
I never saw Kevin smile like that before, HAHA. And Weikiat, you gek sai ah? LOL.
Irvin points middle finger at Nick, I wonder why. HAHA.
Irvin's sad. Nick still looks wasted. Why did I stick out my tongue? LOL.
I look kinda weird but Van's so pretty.
Retarded me and pretty her.
Weikiat act cute. HAHAHAH. And he's wearing my necklace and I'm wearing Chin Tiong's stereo. LOL.
Us and Chin Tiong. He same pattern as me, polka dots. HAHAH.
Kevin and Irvin.
Huan Jie looks blur and who am I calling and Weikiat looks grumpy.
Us and birthday boy.
Seriously, Weikiat's expressions OWNS. I can't use any better word. HAHAHAHHA. But damn fun la go club with them. Honestly clubbing really need the right people and they really made my 3rd clubbing experience damn fun. :D
Saturday was working for Singtel Redpac at J8, then couldn't go for my new cousin's first month. So sad. But I told my sister to take more photos! Damn cute. His name is Kendrick. But the name like damn matured sia. HAHAHA.
Happy family.
Aunty Flora and Baby Kendrick!
Shit I didn't rotate the photo but the baby's darn cute!
Cutting cake.
And this is Noelle, my distant cousin.
So Sunday, was the second day of the roadshow and I was there again. Quite fun la this job cuz I can give balloons and wristbands to cute kids!!!! And can ^5 with them leh. :D I loveeeeee kids to the very ultimate max. Supervisor Nicholas is damn cute too. HAHAHAH. And the DJ Ben has freaking nice eyes cuz he's angmoh!!! OMG. I love the eyes.
Me, Van, Nicholas, Alan, Ben, Dex.
The MC (I don't know her name, LOL) and Joanne.
And another. Love polaroids. :D
YAY Waraku Pasta with Vicks and Co. tomorrow!
YAY meeting Dyn baby on Wednesday!
YAY PC show Thursday to Sunday! $_$
I love my holidays. :D But I'm a little sick. RAWR!