Thursday, February 28, 2008

Holidays have been busy so far!
Sunday was out with Van to shop for stuff and so damn fun la!
We had Carl's Jr. for dinner and we ate beef chilli cheese fries and salad and burger (and threw the bread away).
Super shiokkkkk.
Love it!

Monday went out with some classmates from 2B3.
They're crazy people seriously!
And they dress so differently from usual days la!
Happy to see people dress up. HAHA.
Unlike Van and I who were still in our usual T-shirt and Jeans ensemble. LOL.
Ate lunch at Superdog and Van and I shared.
We had beef chilli cheese fries again. LOL.
And then watch movie at 1.30pm.
PS. I Love You.
OMG it's a really nice show!
Make me cry and laugh alot.
But I think the guys were going to fall asleep. LOLOL.

After that nothing to do walk walk, we stepped into Toys' R Us.
They will do all sorts of Bo Bin things.
Like, Yijie can suddenly say people bully him then just sit on the floor (like 小锺 on 娱乐百分百).
And Wilson (whose real name is Chee Tiong but everyone calls him Wilson cuz he got Wilson face) go sit on Yijie's back and the sight was seriously so funny.
Dewei posed with all the Barney DVDs, and Yijie (again, super ok with doing bo bin things) wearing a feather boa.

Then we went the rooftop.
They sat by the poolside, and then started floating their Everlast shoes in it.
And then Yijie (whaaaaaat, him again??) took Dewei's PSP and wanted to float it in too. LOL.
And then I geh kiang, volunteer my slipper.
They really take go put in the water and make it drift away.

Starbucksed with them too.
First time I've seen 7 cups of Starbucks drinks on the table.
And I was the only one who ordered a Venti one.
The rest all Grande and Van's one Tall.
LOLL I is so fat now.
Then later all hungry again so go Carl's Jr (again!) to eat.
And guess what.
Plus the salad.
3 portions of BCCF in 2 days.
I'm so gonna turn fat.

These crazy people are namely Dewei, Nick, Wilson, Yijie, Kelvin (not another one...), Van and I.
It's seriously fun. HEHE.

Will update about CHIO PARTAY and other stuffs soon! (: (: