Friday, January 05, 2007


MY FIRST BIRTHDAY WISH FOR THIS YEAR (although my birthday's still quite far away)

To be able to hop onto an airplane to Japan and watch BoA's MADE IN TWENTY ARENA TOUR, the one that's on 21st April 2007!

What a great 18th birthday gift anyone could give me.

Haiz, I'm just dreaming.
Someone slap me awake.
I need to help Vanessa with ECPRO project.
But I keep dozing off.
Today's been hectic.
And crazy.
And long.
I dunno man.
I feel that this week is damn hard to get over with.
I feel like just crumbling down.

Okay a really short entry.
Cuz I just thought of that birthday wish when I remembered BoA was gonna do a tour on my birthday.
Longer entries in the weekend I hope.