Monday, August 04, 2008

REGGAE WAS CRAZY! FOUR HOURS! But I really must say, Xuehui is an AMAZING instructor!! She's damn good, her technique is damn good, she's damn nice and patient, cuz I think I'm like one of those always cannot catch the techniques one. HAHA. But of course, I will try my best lah. The hip isolations make my hip area muscle ache to the ultimate max man. But the feeling shiok leh dance for 4 hours. And Ann too dope already, she dance reggae also damn hot lah!! No wonder she's our instructor. HAHA.

Can't wait for the next 2 practices!!! :D:D:D:D:D:D

Just found out today that Anna Sui produces limited quantity of their miniatures!!!! WAH LAU!!! I SHOULD HAVE BOUGHT THE SECRET WISH MINIATURE WHEN I SAW IT AT CITY PLAZA! NBZ. When then I got time go back see if still have sia. I WANT!!!! And when then will have Flight of Fancy miniature?!?! That one if have CONFIRM DAMN CHIO!!!!

I zi high already. HAHAHA.

Actually I was thinking, why NP give us student card for. We also don't use it to tap for our attendance or what, the card like useless. Maybe not that useless after all, I use it to buy Havaianas (ONLY). HAHAHA. It's quite dope, got 20% off! And I'm a flip flops girl, so it's damn important! I no need worry after graduating no more discount cuz.... MY SIS IS ALSO IN NP! WAHAHAHAHA. Tan tio already.

I talking to myself again. HAHA. BB!