Monday, September 18, 2006


I've been blog-hopping alot recently, and I realised many teens now LOVE to type like twits (people who type LyK TtHish). Honestly, I don't think it's fun typing like you have some kind of speech defect. Why do you have to add extra letters to every word you type? And also, isn't it really a chore to press the shift key with every alternate letter you type? It looks really odd and hard to read. I have a habit of reading my own entries after I post them to check if there're mistakes. If I typed like a twit, I wouldn't bother reading my entry again cuz it looks crappy. I mean, short forms like 'dun' and 'wanna' and 'gonna' are perfectly fine. But to the extent of trying to change every word you type, it's super over the top.

Who am I to ask you twits to stop typing like that? I'm no one. But in future when you look back at your past entries, you'll be thinking, "Why the hell did I type like that in the past? Didn't I find it annoying?" I hope twits will ask themselves these questions one day. It's also to the benefit of others who are reading your blog to understand what you're trying to say. I don't think it's the 'in' thing to type like a twit or in sticky caps. More of an annoyance, actually. If you can't spell a certain word, there's always the spell-check or online dictionary.

I'm not referring to anyone in particular but if you think I'm referring to you, hope you will change your kind of blogging style. Oh wait, is that even called a style? I don't bother reading blogs in twit-form. Then you may ask, why did I even write such an entry to condemn the twits and not just ignore them, for goodness sake, I'm saying this for everyone's good. It's so much easier to type in proper English than all the spelling-changing. And also alot easier for your readers to read what you wanna say. Hope twits will listen! And then this twit word can disappear forever =)

By the way, visit this: Museum Of Twits and Twitionary.
Really good entertainment. LOL.


I've just been added into the Opening Interval on Thursday night. Ann told Mich and I to go learn the steps and go for yesterday's training, but we already learnt it from Vicky last Monday. The steps are really easy, but it's not easy to bring out the feeling and lines and angles of the dance. I'm feeling more stressed for this dance compared to the girls or mass segments. I'm not sure if I can do it or not, cuz Ann says if we can't give her what she wants, she'll just cancel the item. Or kick every individual who fails to perform out of the item. I don't wanna be kicked out. I'm so gonna work hard for it.

The schedule is getting crazier with each passing week. No more girls segment except for self-training sessions. But there's still Opening Interval item on Thursday and guess what, it starts at 10pm. WOW. How early is that? Last Thursday's started at 9pm and ended at 11.30pm. I reckon this week's would end at 12am. There goes all my TV shows. As well as my bus cuz if it's too late, I catch another bus to my block instead of walking in. But I'm not complaining, since it's what I love doing. Dance till back ached, arms ache, legs ache, joints ache, blue blacks on knees... But I still wanna dance.

I've never loved dance as much as now. I'm loving it every moment. As well as the people involved. The girls, when we're doing Promiscuous Girl and Rhythm of the Night, plus the guys, when we do Here We Go. It's amazing how we all get along through our greatest passion: DANCE. Nothing we can't share, nothing we can't talk about. Nothing we can't solve, nothing we can't do. PUSH ON PEOPLE! We're so gonna rock the Convention Centre on 11th and 12th November!

No photos today, cuz I'm the couch potato for the day. Promise some tomorrow during our girls' training! XD